Christmas is coming! :) I made the new family of birds with Santa’s hats :)
November 21, 2016
May 1, 2016
Felt garland for balcony
This felt decor I made for my balcony last year. It looks very nice and immediately uplifting in any season
April 24, 2016
Felt Birds with Birdhouse
My birds are found their little house! :) Set of 2 nice hand sewn felt bird ornaments and birdhouse. Nice decorations for kids room or Christmas tree decorations. The set looks well in any interior.
February 18, 2016
Birdhouse with birds
This is my small gift to my friends - a young married couple. I have not been at their wedding, but made this ornament for them as a symbol of hearth and love.
February 14, 2016
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love is the most wonderful of all feelings in this world. The Valentine's Day is better time to let your dear ones know that you love them! Happy Valentine's Day!